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  • Cariloha Scottsdale Team

The Time Has Come To Say Farewell

Several years ago we stumbled upon a lovely product on a beach in Hawaii and fell in love with something we felt was truly special. It was this product line that was the catalyst for big change in our worlds and a large reason for our cross country move into new opportunities in the Valley.

It has been 3 years of opportunity to learn, grow and be part of some amazing peoples lives. We want to take this time to thank all of you who were part of that family. The people who chose to come into the store, make that phone call or send that email instead of clicking the button and shopping on line. The people who valued small business and understood that we couldn't always do or provide what the "Big Guy" or "Corporate" could. The People who could appreciate that we would go above and beyond with what ever means we had to advocate on their behalf when something wasn't without our scope to do in store. The people who came by to just say "Hi" or to check in. It is because of all of you that these last 3 years have been so very special. To You, Thank you!

The decision to close our Scottsdale Quarter store did not come easy. We always said that we would only ever have a retail store if we could provide all aspects of the highest level of quality in our products, the best experience end to end for all involved and have fun doing it by maintaining a healthy balance of our work family and our home family. We also said that the day that those items could not all align it would be the time to step back and do what was right. Staying true to that, here we are.

It is not good bye to the Valley, it is not good bye to small business, it is not good bye to our community and it is not good bye to all of you. It is a see you later. "Begging's are scary, endings are usually sad but it's the middle that counts." - Hope Floats. We thank you for the middle.

For those amazing people who want to continue shopping and supporting local, this has not been lost. I would like to introduce you to our good Friend Sandi! She has owned and operated her own independent Cariloha Store in Solvang California. Next time you need product or see a sale please call 805-688-2311 and speak to another small business owner who is passionate about the brand and will appreciate you just as much as we do.

For those who ever have any product quality concerns we have posted a helpful list of steps on our page for you. Our email is still alive and well and we welcome any questions you may have. We will do our best to get back to you with answers within a few days of your email. For those who have any open orders, all of your orders are all with the corporate team and they will be supporting those moving forward. If you run into any issues please contact us at the above email and we will assist with any concerns and escalations.

Again, thank you for your love and support over the years.

Our very best,

Mel, Brian, Kristin & Max

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